Drain Flushing & Vac Truck

Capital / Plumbing
Job description
We perform annual maintenance of an underground parking lot to clear the drains due to extreme build-up throughout the year.
Scope of work
Our team started the work by cleaning the two sanitary sump pits, two storm sump pits, and six catch basins to make sure drain debris could be efficiently hydro-flushed. We flushed and camera-scoped approximately 300 feet of buried sanitary drainage pipe to ensure proper drainage and inspect for any deficiencies.
After completing the drain flushing, we cleaned the two sanitary sump pits and six catch basins to ensure that the system was free of debris during the flushing process.
We prepared a comprehensive report for the client’s review, complete with video recordings, to provide an overview of the work done.
Project Details
Project Location: Toronto, ON
Project Type: Commercial